Lets talk muscle soreness!

doms exercise fitness health muscle post training recovery sore tired training

 We've all been there the day or two after a big workout and you're struggling to sit down on the toilet! haha!This email will provide you with a few tips and tricks for the next time you're feeling stiff and sore!



DOMS (Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness) can occur for a few reasons

  • You've started back into exercise after a break
  • You've added new movements that your body isn't used to
  • You've pushed extra hard with weights more than you usually do
  • You've used a body part over and over that you're not used to doing
  • You're more dehydrated or lacking sleep so your body hasn't recovered as much as it normally would
  • You've added extra tempo to your exercise making the tension on your muscles MORE than normal. For example, slowing down the lowering of your squat or adding a pause at the hardest point



HYDRATESounds so simple but it keeping hydrated before and after your workouts helps your body flush out waste, reduce inflammation, and helps deliver nutrients to your muscles.  FOAM ROLLER/MASSAGE GUN Both of these increase circulation and blood flow to our muscles which helps the recovery process!Foam rolling helps break down the connective tissue in your muscles reducing tension and tightness VSMassage guns deliver rapid vibrations to also relieve muscle tension by increasing blood flow to the targeted area. LIGHT EXERCISEIt's really important not to just completely stop and sit when you're stiff and sore. Light gentle movement is SO helpful to reduce tightness and stiffness. Walking, swimming, light cycle on a bike anything that can move blood and move lactic acid without adding extra strain on the muscles FUEL Not just for sore muscles but for any workout and ANYTIME our body needs fuel for energy, to replenish and recover. Protein-rich fuel is great for rebuilding our muscles back but not just post-workout, fuel for the rest of the day is what we need to focus on, not just that one meal post-workout. LIGHT STRETCHINGKeyword, LIGHT as we don't want to over-stretch the muscle and make it WORSE! Some gentle stretches to keep moving your body through full range of motion will again help blood flow, help release tension. KEY TIP! BREEEEATHE, when you're stretching as holding your breathe, will increase the tension your body is holding onto. Instead try to exhale as you move through these stretches to allow the body to reeeeally let go! 

RESTThis includes focusing on good sleep as well as taking a day or two off intense workouts to let the body recover. Rest days can include some light movement that I mentioned above, or it could include some sauna and ice bath sessions or light stretching, or a swim OR it could just be a day of complete rest. Always remember that rest days ARE JUST AS IMPORTANT as training days for progressing in strength and fitness


TAKEAWAY Sore muscles are really common to experience so don't be alarmed if this happens to you in your fitness journey! PREVENT MUSCLE SORENESS

Slowly reintroducing exercise back in after a break

Focus on post-workout recovery and sleeping BUT IF IT HAPPENSUse the tips above to reduce symptoms!

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