Journal Prompts to Increase Confidence

confidence journal journal prompts journalling mindfulness mindset prompts self belief thoughts

If you want to increase your confidence and self-belief I encourage you to give these journal prompts below a try! Having confidence in ourselves isn't what you think. It isn't just bragging about yourself and thinking you're better than everyone, it's having an optimistic view of yourself and recognizing your strengths and true capabilities. 

When we have more self-belief and more confidence we don't let adversity get to us as much, we don't take things as personally, and we bounce back from things easier.

This is because we understand who we are and what we are, we know our values, and our intentions and this helps us develop strategies and coping mechanisms. 

You naturally become more resilient and less will affect you.  

I invite you to answer the prompts below You must have an open mind and allow yourself to speak kindly, allow yourself to fully answer truthfully, and know that no one else has to ever read this so don't hold back on your thoughts or be afraid anyone will judge your answers. Having increased self-belief and confidence will allow you to fully live the life you deserve. It will allow you to go for opportunities that come your way, simply because you believe you are worthy to attain it. You have the power to take over your life, but you must want to do so and be willing to put in the work like this to overcome the doubt and second-guessing. 1. What makes you unique? What makes you different from everyone else? 2. How can you embrace those unique qualities and not hold back from expressing who you are?3. Why do you want to believe in yourself? Why is this important to you?4. List at least 10 positive traits about you (physical, emotional, social, personal) 5. What small action step can you take this week to work towards more self belief and confidence?6. What does the more self-confident version of you look like? How can you embody her more in your real life? Once you've had a go at answering these prompts above it's important you take some action after brainstorming so you can actually implement the change you want!

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