I need to get back into it!

exercise fitness fitness tips health healthy habits holiday lifestyle recovery rest rest days workout

We've all been there when we've gone on holidays, had our friend's wedding, drank more than we usually do, ate more than we usually do, and moved less than we usually do. Afterward, usually we feel guilty, we can't believe we 'threw away all our hard work we just can't wait to 'get back into it'I'm sure you've heard this before! 

You know what... life goes on! And you know what, it's not the end of the world! 
Life is meant to be enjoyed! Long-term consistency means we still go along to birthdays, we still enjoy holidays and new foods, and new experiences. 

Long-term consistency is about showing up to what we can WHEN we can. Short-term perfection is trying to stick to something to a T without any flexibility. There is a reason the word SHORT TERM is at the start because this is NOT SUSTAINABLE. No one wants to live their life stuck following a diet plan, stuck following all these food rules, stuck not touching any alcohol, always fitting in their sessions, and never missing a day. 

Yes routine and healthy habits are awesome and they help us feel the best and maintain great energy and all those amazing things BUT a healthy habit we forget about is FLEXIBILITY and LIVING! Now this may look different for everyone.

For me, I'm someone who even on holidays loves to train. I love to move my body regardless. This doesn't mean it looks the same as at home. Some days I'll just got for a walk and that's my movement. On other days I'll try out new gyms in new places I travel to. Moving my body makes me feel good and it's why I love to still do it when I'm away. It doesn't mean I have to stick to the same training time that I do back at home, I know I want to still enjoy the place I'm seeing so moving my body will be in whatever way I can in whatever time frame I have to do so, it's not rigid. 

Now for others, they want to just relax while they are away. Or they just want to walk around and see the sights and that's their movement for the time being. That's okay too!! None of your hard work will dissolve that quickly I promise you.

Yes, you will find the first workout back harder than normal, that's expected after any break. BUT breaks from intense training most of the time do our body good AND it's a great way to spark your motivation back again because you've had a break mentally too. SO moral of this email is to focus on the long term of your life, your experiences balanced with your goals. Step away from the short-term perfection of having every box ticked and find a balance you can maintain. 

It's way better to stick to something long-term, and have it as a way of life something you can continue practicing than a 6-week crash diet and exercise program that leaves you so burnt out you stop training and eating well and never take on any of those things as future habits. 

Enjoy your life whilst also balancing healthy habits. 

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