Are morning routines important?

fitness health lifestyle mindset morning routine routine

We’ve all seen people all over Instagram talk about their ‘morning routine’ and some of it sounds super intense and overwhelming but is it all overrated?
Or is it important to have a morning routine?

Well.. yes to both! 

Morning routines help our body and mind prepare for the day the same way brushing your teeth at night signals it’s time for bed.

Having a morning routine helps you feel more prepared, helps you feel more productive and in a good mindset to start and smash the day BUT…

This is where the BUT comes in! 

More is not always better and everyone will have their own routine that works for them. That’s why it’s important not to follow what you see people on social media doing as just like with food and workouts morning routines are also individual and work differently for each person. 

An intensive morning routine CAN have a downfall as it can distract you from your work tasks/jobs you need to do. It can be an easy way to ‘put off’ the things you don’t want to do.

An intensive morning routine can also put more pressure and expectation on yourself because if you don’t do it everyday it can leave you feeling unaccomplished before you’ve even begun the day. 

So like anything it’s important to find a balance! 

Find a morning routine that sets you up in a great mood, clears your mind and makes you feel ready to go!

But don’t over do the process and try to fit in 5,000 morning rituals only to disappoint yourself later when you find it hard to maintain.



  • Go to bed the same time, wake up the same time This one is so simple but so helpful! By going to bed the same time and waking up the same time your body gets in a rhythm and cycle and it’s WAY easier to wake up! You know those random days you wake up 5 minutes before your alarm! THATS what happens when your body has adapted to the wake and sleep time
  • STILLNESS! Doesn’t have to include an hour or silence or an hour meditation, I literally mean 10 minutes drinking your coffee in the morning without your phone without social media and just sitting with yourself, letting your thoughts run and your mind wander. Double points for sitting outside and getting fresh air, watching the birds and world wake up!
  • PLAN AHEAD! A to do list not only feels really good to write but also is helpful to separate your thoughts to priority. Sometimes it feels overwhelming when we have a million things we want to complete in our mind but when we write it all down it helps us feel lighter in our heads and also visually see what tasks, things need to be done and how we can lay it all out



  • Consistency Habits that we do over and over become second nature to us, making it less overwhelming. When we implement consistency we teach our bodies the set up of the day so as soon as we partake in our morning rituals our body knows its the start of the day and we’re ready to go! 
  • Remove pressure and expectationSome mornings you might not have time to do the whole morning process. Choose 1 thing you do every single day that starts your day, and then a few things you do on a weekend morning or when you have more time. Know that your day isn’t a fail if you haven’t done everything you usually do for your morning routine and you absolutely CAN have a productive awesome day without it.  

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